
978-0134895109: Educational Psychology 12th Edition PDF

  • Format : PDF
  • Size : 54 MB
  • Author : Robert Slavin
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Pearson; 12th edition (March 5, 2018)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Length‏ : ‎ 560 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 013489510X
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0134895109

Original price was: $74.95.Current price is: $18.39.

978-0134895109 Educational Psychology 12e PREFACE:

When I first set out to write 978-0134895109 Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice 12th Edition, I ( Robert Slavin) had a very clear purpose in mind. I wanted to give tomorrow’s teachers the intellectual grounding and practical strategies they will need to be effective instructors. Most of the textbooks drafted then, I felt, fell into one of two categories: stuffy or lightweight. The stuffy books were full of research but were ponderously written, losing the flavor of the classroom and containing few guides to practice. The lightweight texts were breezy and easy to read but lacked the dilemmas and intellectual issues brought out by research. They contained suggestions of the “Try this!” variety, without considering evidence about the effectiveness of those strategies.

Educational Psychology Theory and Practice 12th Edition Goal:

My objective was to write 978-0134895109 PDF that:

  • Presents information that is as complete and up to date as the most research-focused texts but
    is also readable, practical, and filled with examples and illustrations of key ideas.
  •  Includes suggestions for practice based directly on classroom research (tempered by common
    sense) so I can have confidence that when you try what I suggest, it will be likely to work.
  •  Helps you transfer what you learn in educational psychology to your own teaching by making
    explicit the connection between theory and practice through numerous realistic examples.
    Even though I have been doing educational research since the mid-1970s, I find that I never
    really understand theories or concepts in education until someone gives me a compelling
    classroom example; and I believe that most of my colleagues (and certainly teacher education
    students) feel the same way. As a result, the words for example or equivalents appear hundreds
    of times in educational psychology theory and practice.
  •  Appeals to readers; therefore, I have tried to write in such a way that you will almost hear
    students’ voices and smell the lunch cooking in the school cafeteria as you read.

About Robert Slavin:

Robert Slavin, is currently Director of the Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University and Chairman of the Success for All Foundation. He received his B.A. in Psychology from Reed College in 1972, and his Ph.D. in Social Relations in 1975 from Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Slavin has authored or co-authored more than 300 articles and book chapters on such topics as cooperative learning, comprehensive school reform, ability grouping, school and classroom organization, desegregation, mainstreaming, research review, and evidence-based reform.

NOTE: This sale only contains the textbook ISBN 978-0134895109 educational psychology theory and practice 12th edition by Robert Slavin, in PDF. No access codes included.


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