
978-0077862466 Essentials of Negotiation 6e

  • Format : PDF
  • Size: 2MB
  • Authors: Bruce Barry, David M. Saunders, Roy J. Lewicki
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ McGraw Hill; 6th edition (January 14, 2015)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Pages‏ : ‎ 336 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0077862465
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0077862466, 9780077862466

Original price was: $75.33.Current price is: $7.40.

Overview of Essentials of Negotiation 6th Edition ISBN 978-0077862466:

Déffirence between sixth and seventh edition of Essentials of Negotiation:

The organization of this volume generally follows the more complete Seventh Edition of Negotiation. The fundamental difference between 978-0077862466 edition and the Seventh Edition text is that this PDF contains only 12 chapters, while the complete Seventh Edition contains 20 chapters. The first four chapters have only been minimally shortened for this volume, because we believe that the content is essential to any negotiation course. (The shortening process includes editing out some of the more research-oriented references and descriptions, deleting many of the boxes and sidebars, and occasionally some secondary sections.) Similarly, the last chapter is reproduced in full. The other seven chapters from Negotiation, have been included, but shortened by 25–50 percent each.

About the authors of 9780077862466:

Roy J. Lewicki is the Irving Abramowitz Memorial Professor of Business Ethics Emeritus and Professor of Management and Human Resources Emeritus at the Max M. Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University. He has authored or edited 36 books, as well as numerous research articles and book chapters.

Bruce Barry is the Brownlee O. Currey Jr. Professor of Management at the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University. His research on negotiation, ethics, power, influence, and justice has appeared in numerous scholarly journals and volumes.

David M. Saunders has served as Dean of Queen’s School of Business (QSB) since July 2003. Under Professor Saunders’s strategic leadership, the School has experienced dramatic growth, including the addition of new and innovative MBA, professional masters, and executive education programs.

NOTE: The product only includes the eBook isbn 978-0077862466 Essentials of Negotiation 6th Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.


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