
Contemporary Business 18th Edition Louis E. Boone, ISBN-13: 978-1119599654

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Contemporary Business 18th Edition by Louis E. Boone, ISBN-13: 978-1119599654

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Wiley; 18th edition (June 5, 2019)
  • Language: ‎ English
  •  669 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1119599652
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1119599654

Contemporary Business, 18th Edition, is a student friendly, engaging product designed to attract students to the field of business. Boone 18e offers a comprehensive approach to the material that will cater to a wide variety of students with different learning needs. Up-to-date content is vital to any Intro to Business course and Boone 18e with its contemporary style, wealth of new examples, and hot business topics can deliver that currency.

Table of Contents:

1 The Changing Face of Business 1
2 Business Ethics and Social
Responsibility 27
3 Economic Challenges Facing Business
Today 56
4 Competing in World Markets 84
5 Forms of Business Ownership and
Organization 114
6 Starting Your Own Business: The
Entrepreneurship Alternative 148
7 Management, Leadership, and the Internal
Organization 171
8 Human Resource Management: From
Recruitment to Labor Relations 199
9 T op Performance through Empowerment,
Teamwork, and Communication 227
10 Production and Operations
Management 252
11 Customer-Driven Marketing 279
12 Product and Distribution Strategies 309
13 Promotion and Pricing Strategies 341
14 Using Technology to Manage
Information 373
15 Understanding Accounting and Financial
Statements 401
16 T he Financial System 431
17 Financial Management 463
18 T rends in E-Commerce 488
Appendix A Business Law 513
Appendix B Insurance and Risk
Management 529
Appendix C Personal Financial Planning 539
Appendix D Developing a Business Plan 550
Appendix E Careers in Business Today 558
Appendix F Launching Your Career 575

During Dave Kurtz’s high school days, no one in Salisbury, Maryland, would have mistaken him for a scholar. In fact, he was a mediocre student, so bad that his father steered him toward higher education by finding him a succession of backbreaking summer jobs. Thankfully, most of them have been erased from his memory, but a few linger, including picking peaches, loading watermelons on trucks headed for market, and working as a pipefitter’s helper. Unfortunately, these jobs had zero impact on his academic standing. Worse yet for Dave’s ego, he was no better than average as a high school athlete in football and track.

But four years at Davis & Elkins College in Elkins, West Virginia, turned him around. Excellent instructors helped get Dave on sound academic footing. His grade-point average soared—enough to get him accepted by the graduate business school at the University of Arkansas, where he met Gene Boone. Gene and Dave became longtime co-authors; together they produced more than 50 books. In addition to writing, Dave and Gene were involved in various entrepreneurial ventures.

This decades-long partnership ended with Gene’s death in 2005, but Contemporary Business will always be the result of the diligent efforts of Boone and Kurtz.

During Susan Berston’s college years as a campus tour guide at the University of California, Berkeley, despite enduring hundreds of crammed elevator rides with visitors eager to reach the Campanile’s observation deck 200 feet above, the excitement of being immersed in an academic environment never waned.

After completing an MBA at the University of San Francisco, Susan worked in the corporate banking division of a Japanese bank. Soon bit by the sales bug, she joined the sales force of printer R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company, which is where she realized her passion for satisfying customers, outsmarting competitors, providing creative solutions, and building relationships.

She returned to academia and campus life to eventually become a full-time professor at City College of San Francisco in 2005, where she teaches courses in introduction to business, management, and entrepreneurship—and where her father, also a textbook author, taught business for over five decades. Here Susan feels incredibly lucky mentoring her students, whether as a faculty advisor to various student-led clubs, or as a member of the Academic Senate Executive Council and Board of Directors of the bookstore. For Susan, bringing ideas to life inside and outside of the classroom and creating a personalized and collaborative student experience with the Next Generation of WileyPLUS is simply the icing on the cake.

Proud to continue the legacy of two of the industry’s most prolific textbook authors, David L. Kurtz and the late Louis (Gene) Boone, Susan welcomes the opportunity to hear from you with questions, comments, or feedback about the 18th edition of Contemporary Business.

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